Wednesday, July 30, 2008


by Geoff Powell

Here are some tips for developing very simple rules for your children.

Rule 1 - Establish strict regular sleep times. Emphasize the importance of sleep. If the child is not getting enough sleep or is having disrupted sleep. The rule should be that your child gets enough undisrupted sleep regularly.

Rule 2 - Encourage good behaviors. Offer privileges to encourage the enforcement of this rule.

Rule 3 - Make homework a priority. Adhere strictly to doing homework first before play.

Rule 4 - Prevent back talk. If your kid gets big-mouthed with you, then be strict and remove privileges.

Be consistent and set clear boundaries.

About the Author
Geoff Powell is an internet Entrepreneur. For more information on how you can improve your parenting skills visit Parenting Tools - Parenting Toolbox Review

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trying To Find The Causes For Autism

by Jonathan Sullivan

Many parents hope that in finding a source of autism, this disorder can be cured or prevented. Unfortunately, scientists have yet to find one single reason why children develop autism. It is possible that someday autism will be linked to a specific gene abnormality, but the more likely source is not one thing, but a number of factors in a child's world. Autism cannot be prevented or cured, so the best we can do to help autistic children and adults is be understanding and willing to compromise to make the world comfortable for them and ourselves.

First off, there are certain things that do not cause autism, and these myths should be laid to rest immediately. Most importantly, bad parenting does not cause autism. In the past, mothers were blamed for traumatizing their children with cold parenting techniques, which was thought to lead to autism. This is simple not true. Autism is also not caused by malnutrition, although food allergies occur in my autistic children and some autistic children do benefit from taking daily vitamins.

There are many links between autism and the brain. Most people with autism have larger brains and they are "wired" differently than a typical brain. Differences occur in many parts of the brain, so it cannot be targeted to one specific brain malfunction overall, but rather a brain malfunction in general. Autistic children also show signs of an immune deficiency. Evidence in this study is not yet strong, but research is still being done. Many autistic individuals have other health problems related to immune deficiencies. Overall, these things all seem to point to genetics. Although autism is not the parents' fault, it is most likely that autism was found elsewhere on your family tree, and it is not uncommon for parents to raise more than one autistic child. Autism may also be linked to vaccinations, although this is still being highly studied. The benefits of vaccinations greatly outweigh the risks of them causing autism, so you should not deprive your child simply because you are fearful. Talk to you doctor if you have concerns about vaccinations.

Nobody knows what causes autism. Therefore, we can do nothing to prevent and cure it, but rather we can simply treat the autistic people in our lives with the best of our ability. Becoming educated in autism is the key-the more you know about the disorder, the better you can help individuals who suffer from it. Autism is a complex problem, and as researchers develop new understandings of the way it affects the body, better treatment options will become available, with the hope that someday we will be able to cure this disease.

About the Author
For info on autism symptoms and what is autism, visit the Autism Diagnosis website.

Monday, July 28, 2008

How to Make Your Kids Obey You

by Bernard Loke

While there are a number of frustrating things associated with being a parent, one of the most frustrating thing is having a kid who does not mind what you say. In addition to being frustrating, a disobeying kid also creates embarrassing, and sometimes, dangerous situations. Just imagine trying to tell your kid to stop going across the street because you see a car coming but he does not and then, he does not mind. Obviously, this scenario could end up in a big disaster.

Tips on how to make your kids obey are tough but parents are learning right along with the kids. So never be afraid to make appropriate adjustments when required. Hey, parenting can be tough but starting your kids out the right way will ensure they have a life of success. The following will help on how to make your kids obey your orders and instructions.

Be the Parent - Too often, parents lose their roles as the person of authority. When raising your kids, they need to understand that what you say goes and there is no argument about it at all. In fact, arguing or disobeying is simply not options. If you start raising them early with this attitude, how to make your kids obey will become much easier and at an earlier age.

Stop Yelling - When you yell at your kid for not minding, all you have done is proven to him or her that you just lost control. Immediately, the kid understands that he or she has taken a position of power, not what you want. When disciplining your kid, remain calm and firm - stop the yelling! The response will be that the kids obey much quicker.

Be Fair - Chances are you have heard the words, "These rules are unfair" more than once. In reality, parents will sometimes set rules, restrictions, and expectations that are not fair. Consider the age of your kid, his or her maturity level, and the individual situation so you are fair. As an example regarding how to make your kids obey, if you have a daughter who just turned 14 and she wants to go to a school dance, something she has never done before, why not. At this age, and as long as there will be supervision, she is old enough. However, if you were to tell her no, stating she was too young, she may stay at a friend's house and then sneak to the party anyway. In other words, set the rules so you are not setting your kid up for failure. With this, kids obey more readily.

Consequences - Kids of all ages need to know that with disobeying, lying, stealing, and other negative behaviors, consequences are a part of the deal. By establishing guidelines and letting your kid know the consequences, he or she may be less interested in disobeying. You can help kids obey by teaching them that not minding leads to tougher disciplinary actions.

About the Author
Jamie Sullivan is a mother of 3 children aged between 4-16 years old and an author of "Child Anger Revealed - Your Ultimate Guide To Deal With Them Effectively" at

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Top 7 Parenting Mistakes to Avoid

by Paul Banas

If you have difficulty dealing with your children, you are not alone. Many parents seem to be quite at loss when it comes to enforcing good behavior in their children. Research has shown that some parenting styles definitely do not work. Read on to learn how you can avoid the most common parenting mistakes:

#1: Don't punish harshly. Professor of Sociology, University of New Hampshire, Murray Straus, estimates that 90 percent of parents do not think it wrong to beat children. However, researchers studying child behavior insist that punishing children too harshly is a big parenting mistake. Discipline, they say, is effective only when it is mild. For instance, "time out" should not be for more than a few minutes, and privilege withdrawal should not be extended for more than a day.

#2: Don't nag. If you think that constant nagging will get your kids to do as you want them to, think again. Research has proven that people tend to ignore repetitive commands. Not only that, nagging also negatively reinforces wrong behavior.

#3: Don't compromise. If you make rules, be ready to enforce them. Nobody expects that you set military standards for discipline for your children, but let them know that a "no" means "no." When your kids learn that you will not give in to their tantrums, they will simply stop throwing them. #4: Don't overprotect. While it is your duty to protect your children, it is also important to let them learn from their mistakes. As psychologist and Raising Resilient Children co-author, Robert Brooks explains, "Resilient children realize that sometimes they will fail, make mistakes, have setbacks. They will attempt to learn from them."

#5: Don't over-praise. An important aspect of parenting is to praise children for exemplary behavior. However, if you habitually applaud every thing they do, you may end up undermining the effectiveness of praise as a form of positive reinforcement. This is because your children may not understand why you are praising them, or may even overestimate their own worth.

#6: Don't stress grades. Academics are important for your children, but a common parenting mistake is to stress grades over creativity. Psychiatrist and author of Great Kids, Stanley Greenspan points out that while parents make children learn rules and facts, it is more difficult to get them to think creatively. Creativity, however, is essential to help children to discard ideas that don't work and look for alternative solutions.

#7: Don't disregard feelings. Myrna Shure, author of Raising a Thinking Child, says that children need to be able to examine their feelings about things. One of the most common mistakes parents make is disregard their children's feelings-by telling them not to cry, for instance. A better approach is to show empathy by letting children know that you understand how they feel.

Your parenting styles are likely to impact the way your child grows up. Being responsive to your children, and at the same time, setting clear rules and limits, is crucial for you as a parent.

About the Author
Paul Banas was looking for a business idea that would allow him the flexibility to spend time with his family. Paul Banas is a founder of He writes articles on father and daughter, parenting skills, family planning, pregnancy ca

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Parent's Must-Know Guide to Internet Safety

by Jamie Jefferson

Being a parent today is much different than it has been in generations past. Even though the Internet has been in homes for nearly 20 years, it has just been within the past 5 to 10 years that teenagers and children have had routine use of the Internet.

If you are beginning to feel like your children know more about the online world than you do, it's no wonder that you're concerned about keeping them safe. There are many steps that you can take to protect your children and to direct their online behavior so they present themselves correctly. Here are five important places to start.

1. The first step you should take is to ban computers from your children's bedrooms. The entire family should use a common desktop computer that is in a well-trafficked area in the house. Keeping the computer (and your children) in sight will help minimize where they visit online and what type of activities they can take part in. Limiting their computer time is also a good way to keep them safe. A child that is on for an hour per day, rather than four or six, can get in a lot less trouble.

2. Set some ground rules with your children for their Internet use. For example, many parents allow their children to have their own e-mail address but only if the parents have the passwords. When you use the computer you can double check that this rule is being followed by checking the history and making sure no unauthorized email addresses are being used.

3. One of the most popular sites these days is Myspace. Myspace is a social networking community that brings people together from all walks of life. It's also become a popular place for teens and preteens to meet one another and bond after school. You can make sure your children are staying safe by building their Myspace account with them. This way, you know the password and you can check in on the account from time to time. Make sure that you communicate to them the importance of limiting their communication to friends only. There are many spam programs that will ask to be your child's friend, and then expose them to inappropriate material. If your children only accept friend requests from people that they know in real life, this cuts down on their exposure.

4. Make sure that your attempts to keep them safe aren't all punitive. You can prevent a lot of problems by getting involved in your child's online life. Visit websites together and let them show you where they like to "hang out" online. Encourage them to tell you about their online friends and how they spend their time online. If you are a part of their world, you'll know exactly what they've been up to and whether they are following your ground rules or not.

5. If you need to, you can take your level of parental protection to the next level with a professional monitoring software that will tell you just exactly where they have been. This type of software can also limit their usage to specific sites. This can be very helpful if your child is young.

Protecting your child online is easy if you involve yourself in what they are doing from the start. Interacting with your child and the Internet in a friendly way when they are 10 is a lot easier than cracking down on bad online usage when they are 16. Just like with all other parenting areas, it's better to try to prevent problems first.

About the Author
Jamie Jefferson writes for, where you can find {a href=""}Vistaprint Coupons as well as Symantec Coupons. Symantec has a number of programs to protect privacy and security online.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Questions To See If You Are Ready For A Baby

by Julia Sullivan

Are you a woman? If you are, have you been thinking about motherhood? If you have, you may be wondering whether or not you are ready to be a parent. While parenthood is occasionally unexpected, a large number of women and their partners plan and prepare for it. If that is the approach that you would like to take, there are a number of important factors or issues that you should first take into consideration.

Perhaps, the most important factor to take into consideration is healthcare. When pregnant, you will need to schedule regular prenatal exams. Towards the end of your pregnancy, these exams may be as common as once or twice a week. For that reason, healthcare should be taken into consideration. Do you have health insurance? If you do, does your health insurance cover pregnancy and prenatal care? If it does not or if you are uninsured, you may end up paying for the cost of your pregnancy alone.

In keeping the cost of having a child, it is also important to examine the costs after your baby is born. It is no secret that raising children is expensive. How are you currently managing, financially, now? If you are having difficultly making ends meet, you may be unable to afford the cost of a child. Of course, there are financial programs out there to assist, but you shouldn't rely too heavily on them. If you would like to have a child, it is advised that you take steps to financially prepare for doing so. These steps may involve increasing your work hours or eliminating unnecessary purchases.

Another factor that needs to be examined is your current living situation. Do you own your own home or do you rent an apartment? Regardless of whether you are a homeowner or a renter, do you have enough space for a child? If you do not, it may be a good idea to rethink your current living situation. Although many mothers like to keep their newborns in the same room with them at night, there will come a point in time where your child will need their own room. If you would like to buy a larger home or rent a larger apartment, you may want to think about doing so before you decide to become pregnant, as it may save you a considerable amount of stress.

Another issue that needs to be discussed is your partner or spouse's feelings on having a new child. Although it is more than possible for you to be a single mother, by way of a sperm donor, many women make the decision to have a child with a man that they love. Despite being more than possible to raise a child as a single parent, it is important that you seek assistance from the father. That is why the decision to have a child is one that you and your partner should make together. If you are married or if you have been with your partner for a long period of time, there is a good chance that they will be just as excited with having a baby as you are. If, at this point in time, you realize that you both have difficult goals and aspirations in life, the issue needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

When deciding if you are ready to become a mother, the above mentioned issues are all ones that should be taken into consideration. As a reminder, many women have children unexpectedly, but many take the time to plan and prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. If you would like to thoroughly examine your decision before getting pregnant, it is advised that you do so. You can research pregnancy and raising a newborn baby by speaking with your healthcare professional and other parents or by buying a collecting of birthing and parenting books, as well as by using the internet to your advantage.

About the Author
Visit Pregnancy Facts to learn about teenage pregnancy statistics and tips for getting pregnant.

Creating a Great Parenting Plan

by Len Stauffenger

Are you a single divorced parent? Then you know how full your schedule can be. You don't ever have enough time to complete the daily tasks, to answer all their questions, to solve the arguments that arise between your kids, and to be sure they get all their homework done. If you're anything like me, you will want to give up because you are so overwhelmed.

Children don't understand overwhelm. They don't understand not having enough money. They don't understand that you need advanced notice for their school project supplies. They don't understand that bunches of kids yelling and laughing can get on your nerves. They don't understand their arguing can drive you nuts. They aren't aware that you don't have their other parent to bounce ideas off any more and it's a burden and a pressure for you. They don't see the full picture.

But you do. Step back a few paces and look at the whole picture objectively. Try to see down the years to their graduation or their wedding. It's that long view that will help you hang on in there with the courage necessary to persevere with your Great Parenting Plan. You have made a plan, haven't you?

The Great Parenting Plan is where you are all dressed up, dabbing the tears from your eyes, watching your child walk down the aisle at his graduation. It could be a high school graduation or a college graduation. That all depends on your plan. You want to take yourself in thought out to that point in the future where your child graduates and begins to move off into his own life, fully self-sufficient and capable. The idea is to get him to that point from where you are right now and where he or she is right now.

Working backwards from that moment in the plan, but always keeping that in the forefront of your thinking, will help you get through those challenging moments that create overwhelm, those moments when you might not even want to be a mom or dad anymore. But you just can't quit being their parent, can you. Your kids are here and they deserve your best. It is your golden opportunity to summon up all of your resources and give it one heck of a go.

You will have to exercise great courage to keep on keeping on with your Great Parenting Plan. It will take great courage to solve all the problems and challenges that will arise for you as a single parent. One of the nicest aspects of parenting is that the things you need to do the job are all built in. Yep. You had them when you were born. You've been building them while you lived your own life. This parenting task is like getting a Ph. D. in strengthening virtues!

What happens is that your kids provide some test for you - they test your patience, or your courage, or your ability to love. And you have the option to say "Yes, I can" or "No, I can't." Sometimes when you really think that you can't, you still say I can and then you do. Have you ever noticed that in life, when you make a commitment, somehow in someway the fulfillment for that commitment seems to just happen.

When I was a young parent, I needed a reliable car. Car wasn't in the budget that month, but we needed that car. I made the commitment. I don't remember ever not making that payment easily. Somehow, in someway, the fulfillment for that commitment seemed to happen.

And the same thing will happen when you decide that, come what may, you will exercise the courage necessary to persevere. If you determine that, by gosh and by golly, you will persevere in doing the absolute best job you can to be their mom or dad, the courage that it takes in the moment (that'd be the moment when you're exhausted and they need a ride downtown) you will bring up the courage to set yourself aside and provide what they need from you. And you will do it over and over again.

You'll forget those moments until you see them walk down that aisle in their gown and mortar board. Oh, they'll have asked you "Mom, please, please, please, don't cry at my graduation" and you will really try. You'll really try. All the challenges that overwhelmed you as a single divorced parent will be gone. Only you will know of all the times when you set yourself aside to care for them, of all those hundreds of details you handled to be a good parent, and you won't be able to help those escaping tears. They're tears of joy. I know.

About the Author
Len Stauffenger's parents taught him life's simple wisdom. As a divorced dad, he wanted to share that simple wisdom with his girls. "Getting Over It: Wisdom for Divorced Parents," his book, is the solution. Len is an author, a Success Coach and an Attorney. You can purchase Len's book and it's accompanying workbook at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time to be Stress Free

by Kelly Anderson

Ok, it's time! We have seen the pains to continue with the notion of "survival of the fittest" and we still can't find out why we need to be at our wit's end all the time. We all want peaceful and calm life without which the very existence becomes pain. We have corporate pressures to tackle, relationships to manage and at times, this all seems like a big burden that we have been exposed to in our life. Does life have to be so painful ?

We all tried to be stress free but as we may we cannot live a life in this hectic world 100% stress free. Can we? If we practice with dedication and a slight disassociation from our ego then yes, it is possible to live stress free! There are some tricks.

Well, if we take a look around our past and our upbringing and all the struggles we have gone through in the past we will notice some interesting facts. When we were children, nothing in the world made us tensed or stressful. That was so because we were in the state of non-reactivity to the events of this world. That was easy! It's not easy to continue with such states and life becomes less meaningless as we put emphasis on being rather than controlling.

We can enjoy the life if we begin being less afraid of what the life has to offer us and to accept it with a "yes " and not caring about the need to control every situation and simply allowing the life to unfold itself. The life becomes a wind and we are like kites that can move around as free as it can be. Such a wind (i.e. what life throws at us) forces us not toward weakness but towards bravery and freedom. Just look at the kites when they move around in the wind during the season. We are not weak or helpless but we flow with power and we become stronger in all ways to adversity no matter what direction the winds may blow.

Eventually an overwhelming joy comes upon us as we remove all the fears and tensions. Constant laughter is one trait that we won't like to miss and will put over other traits. When you are joyful and continuously smile or feel good, you will find that The constant bombardment of tension and negative thinking based thoughts become funny and ridiculous.

Start on and work on a regular basis (i.e. morning meditation, afternoon breathing techniques etc.) and soon you'll find that the ability to see the humor is in almost anything that is enhanced and tries to come up to us! When you reach that condition you will find that a stress free life is not only possible, but easily attainable for anyone.

Stress free living should be made a higher priority in your life. You are the center of the universe and you are what you believe you are, your outer world will behave and adjust according to your inner space. Have a command of the world around you . The presence and enlightenment and the very nature of wondrous powers that we have been given by the Almighty that resides in all of us will lead us to the forefront of the collective consciousness of all humanity.

About the Author
Meditation can help one live a healthy, peaceful, calm and successful life. One needs to have a look into meditation techniques and see what good meditation has to offer! Kelly Anderson writes on meditation and stress related issues.

For Ladies Only: Here's How ED Drugs Work on a Man

by Roger Grossman

Men read websites like this one about erectile dysfunction (ED) all the time in their quest for answers about how their equipment works. And maybe even some ladies take a peek now and then, as they try to help their men improve, or even save, their performances in the boudoir. But how many women really know how ED works in a man, or how ED drugs like Viagra, Levitra or Cialis work to solve his problem? Well, ladies, if you're looking for answers you've come to the right place.

Men get an erection for pretty much one reason: the blood flow to the penis is increased when the man is mentally, emotionally or physically stimulated. Inside the penis are two tubes which fill with blood through arteries, and the penis stiffens when the blood rushes through the arteries because of that stimulation.

Men suffer from erectile dysfunction when that blood flow is interrupted or slowed. The reasons for this problem can be for pretty much the same reasons that a man gets an erection in the first place, only in reverse, as those reasons are also mental, emotional or physical. A man may not be able to perform because of mental health issues, such as depression or constant debilitating stress. The problem may be emotional issues, such as lack of self-esteem or self-confidence, or some type of guilt related to his performance with the partner he's with. Perhaps the biggest culprit, though, may be some type of issue related to physical problems that are the result of disease or lifestyle.

Blood flow to the penis can be interrupted or slowed by such things as a poor diet, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, heart disease (which is often related to circulatory problems), or diabetes. The problem can also be related to cigarette smoking or chronic drug or alcohol abuse. Cigarettes in particular are often noted as a cause, as constant exposure to nicotine can affect the circulation through the veins that supply blood to the entire body, the penis included. These are just a few possibilities.

Erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra , Levitra and Cialis, which can be purchased through our online pharmacy, work by increasing the blood flow into the man's penis when it is manually stimulated. That's it in a nutshell. But something else to consider is that, with the help of a patient and understanding partner, the possible physical, mental and emotional causes of this problem can possibly be improved upon, giving the man increased self-confidence, which may also help. In other words, while it may always be necessary to use an erectile dysfunction drug, that doesn't mean that a man can't feel better about himself while he's using one. And since most sex actually occurs between the ears anyway, the experience can be better for both partners with a little understanding, patience, and even humor.

So in the end, ladies, that's how a man's body works, and that's how ED drugs work. Hopefully this knowledge might help you to work with your man in establishing a better sexual relationship. And don't forget that Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are all available through our online pharmacy, eliminating the hassle of dealing with the corner drugstore. Contact us today.

eDrugstore.MD is a leading U.S. online pharmacy with over eight years of experience offering FDA-Approved online prescriptions, at the lowest prices available on the internet. Buy Viagra online at eDrugstore.MD and learn about the benefits associated with buying prescription medications online. Visit their online pharmacy knowledge base at to learn more about safe online pharmacies.

About the Author
Author Resource- Rodger Grossman - Health article author specializing in men's health issues. The author currently writes for a U.S. online pharmacy -

Airline Travel Tips - Tips for Flying with Children

by T Bryan

An airplane trip is very exciting for kids, especially if they don't often get to fly. If it's been a while since you've traveled with your children, these tips should help you have a smooth flight.

If you are bringing a stroller along, you'll have to remove the child and fold it up (the stroller, not the child!) to go through x-ray. Everyone's shoes will need to come off as well. If you are trying to manage several kids at once, enlist the help of the oldest and let them know in advance what is expected of them. Airport employees are usually happy to help if it gets too much to handle, and often the people in line with you will offer to help.

If you have a baby on formula, take a dry powder form if possible, and add water later. You can buy some water after you go through security.

If you have a very small child that can sit on your lap you won't need to buy an extra seat. However, it might be worth the extra money just to have your hands free. If it's a long flight, holding a small child on your lap will get fatiguing.

If your kids are bringing carry-ons with games and such to occupy them, let them know that you expect them to be responsible and keep up with their stuff. It's real easy to set it down in the waiting area and forget it, or leave it on the plane when disembarking.

If you have an infant, be sure to bring a change of clothes, diapers (bring plenty!), wipes, favorite toys, and maybe a book or two to read to them or, if they are old enough, for them to look through.

For the problem of ear popping, give the kids a piece of gum to chew to help relieve the pressure. Some children are not bothered by it at all.

If you plan to use a car seat on the plane, make sure yours is airline approved (check for a label on the seat).

Be sure to check in early at the airport. It is said that there is never a "too early" at the airport, only a "too late."

Consider a bribe. Dubious but yes it works! Buy each child a new toy and let them know they can't play with it until they are on board the plane. This will occupy them for quite some time!

Let your kids know that while flying they must remain seated with their seatbelt on at all times unless they need to use the restroom. If they already expect this rule, it won't be so hard to enforce once you are on the plane.

Keep your sense of humor! Relax and enjoy the flight and the excitement of your kids.

About the Author
Gas prices are high but there is still no need to pay full price for airfare. Learn how to find airline travel cheap and find out how thousands of happy travelers are already saving boatloads of money on airfare right now. Visit

3 Parenting Tips for Parents as Lovers

by Jean Tracy, MSS

These 3 parenting tips help you and your partner say, "I'm with you. I'm walking beside you. I love you." If you practice the tips below, your children will be building character by watching and learning from you. Inside you will be given suggestions for practicing the tips too.

"Why would a couple that lives and sleeps together every night need dates and rituals? Precisely because they live and sleep together." - Bill Doherty

Dates and rituals keep you in touch with each other. They remind you of your pledge to go through life together - to become a bigger and better you. Take turns practicing each parenting tip for one week. Ask your partner to guess which tip you practiced. Discuss the results.

Say "Please" and "Thank You"

"Please," the magic word that opens doors to good will increases your chances of getting what you want. Why? It shows you're not taking your partner for granted. Nobody likes demands. Your partner won't feel disrespected either.

"Thank You" offers the gratitude we all crave for being kind and helpful. If you forget to say "Thank You," your partner will notice. Your partner might feel hurt or angry. If your "Thank You" is from your heart, your spouse will notice that too. Why not give the heartfelt appreciation that your spouse deserves? Like “please”, “thank you” is a magic too.

Smile When You Talk

Smiles relax your partner. They relax your face too. They brighten the mood between you. They add to your mutual trust that everything's fine between you. Smiles warm both of you on the inside.

When a spouse goes through life with a gloomy or grumpy face, that spouse becomes a heavy load for the family. One of my clients said, "There's nothing I can do to make him happy." Even the children notice and ask me, "Why is Daddy always so mad?"

Don't keep your family on pins and needles. Relax and enjoy your spouse and your children. Flex a little muscle and put a smile on your face.

Develop a Funny Bone. Laugh Often

Laughter lifts and lightens your relationship. It eases life's burdens. Laughter is sunshine in your home.

It's a well known secret that laughter is the honey that attracts people. Think about it. Do you know someone who brings joy to others with laughter? Is that person fun to be around? You can be that person for your family by developing a funny bone. Make sure your humor is good humor. Nobody likes to be teased. Sarcasm isn't funny.

Parents as Lovers Conclusion:

Notice how saying "please" and "thank you" fit with smiles and laughter. Imagine giving these positive gifts to your spouse and children. You can start today. Your partner will notice and feel loved. Your children will too. By treating each other with love, you'll be building character and filling your home with joy. Become a better you. Become a better parent and lover too.

About the Author
Jean Tracy, MSS, publishes a Free Parenting Newsletter. Subscribe at and receive 80 fun activities to share with your kids.
Subscribe to Jean Tracy's blog at and receive a fresh
parenting tip with each post.